Big Fundraisings and the Ascendancy of Private Credit
2024 was about resilience in private markets, while 2025 looks set to be about private credit and greater access.
Good effort but can do better
In the first half of this year, intense geopolitical wranglings, political manoeuvring and diverging interest rates combined to create a high degree of uncertainty.
Activists cases have to stack up
Activist investors invariably generate a fair amount of heat… some justified but often not. At the end of the day, their cases need to stack up, and they need to make their case clearly.
It is a big brand world
While the first half of the years wasn’t necessarily easy for alternative managers, the big brands saw the bulk of the asset flows.
Good Cop... Bad Cop
It has never been more critical for funds and managers to have a robust ESG policy. It is no secret that the doomsday clock is ticking. We all know change is required, but all too often, it is something to look at tomorrow…
Crypto bros get hosed...
There have been plenty burnt by FTX fallout. It is difficult to not write this story, with chunky investments from some of the biggest and best-known investors in the world.
A return to the sticky money
As we get closer to the end of the year, it is interesting to see where the flows are heading…
Macro rises like the proverbial phoenix
We are now nine months into this extraordinary year and so far there doesn’t appear to be any let up in the dire macro environment.
ESG has a communications problem
Unfortunately the sands have shifted dramatically over the past few months on the ESG debate.
Funds need to offer something different
To raise funds, you need to be out there actively presenting a story that is you, you need to look right… you need to offer something different.